Find a Doctor, Dentist, or Eye Doctor
Lists of places to get health care in Alameda County:
- Medical - list of CHDP provider offices
- Dental - to find dental care for your child at places that take Medi-Cal Dental:
- Visit Smile California
- Call Medi-Cal Dental at 1-800-322-6384. Free call to get assistance finding a dentist in Alameda and nearby counties.
- Call Alameda County Office of Dental Health at 510-208-5910 or visit
- Vision - Exams are covered under Medi-Cal
Medi-Cal Fee For Service Vision Benefits
For Alameda Alliance for Health Members:- March Vision Care is contracted with the Alliance to provide you with vision benefits.
- Visit March Vision Care online or at 1.844.336.2724 for help finding a vision provider.
- Let March Vision Care know you are a member through the Alliance Medi-Cal Plan.
For Anthem Blue Cross Medi-Cal members:
- Vision benefits are offered to all members through Vision Service Plan (VSP).
- To find an eye doctor or ask questions about vision benefits, call VSP at 1-800-877-7195 (TTY 711)
- Children and young adults under age 21 get one eye exam and one pair of glasses every two years
- Visit Anthem’s site for details
- Mental Health support
- Immunization Clinics (please call to confirm vaccine availability and clinic hours) English | Spanish
- Call the Family Health Line at 1-888-604-4636 for help finding a doctor or other health services.