Clinics in Alameda County

In Alameda County there are a variety of county and community clinics that serve county residents. This listing is intended to provide resources for persons who may not have health plans or access to a primary physician.

Please use the contact information to verify clinic fees, services and hours.


Abortion Providers

Public and private clinics offering abortion and family planning

Adoption Resources

The Alameda County Social Services Agency Adoption Program explains the difference between open and private adoptions, and provides free services to birth parents (pregnant women and the father of the baby).

Dental Providers

Dental providers accepting new patients with Medi-Cal 2020 by city in Alameda County, 8 pages, including hours, wheelchair access, languages, serve pregnant patients, and serve special needs patients.

Family Planning Services

Health Care Clinics in Alameda County

Free and low-cost health care, including County and community clinics.

Immunization Clinics - English | Spanish

Vaccines for children and adults, Tuberculosis skin tests, Hepatitis, travel shots, and more.

Pregnancy Care - Free or Low cost

The Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) provides comprehensive medical, nutritional, psychosocial and health education services to Medi-Cal eligible women throughout the entire pregnancy and for two months past the month she delivers.

Pregnancy Testing - Free or Low cost

STD Clinics

Bay Area listing of county, city, community and private clinics that provide testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases

Substance Abuse

Resources primarily for pregnant women and parents with children

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