Alameda County Referrals

Alameda County Referrals

CPSP providers must refer clients, when appropriate, to services not specifically included in CPSP. These services must include, but are not limited to: Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC); Genetic Screening; Dental Care; Family Planning; and Well Child Care (Child Health and Disability Prevention Program-CHDP).

Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC)

WIC serves women, infants, and children by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, partnerships to health care services, and nutritious foods to eligible families. Services are available to eligible women, infants, and children up to five years old.

For more information about WIC, visit the following websites:

WIC sites throughout Alameda County

Genetic Screening

The California Prenatal Screening Program (PNS) is working to assure prenatal screening services and follow-up services where indicated are available to all pregnant women in California. For more information, visit the PNS website.

Dental Care

Denti-Cal providers can provide Medi-Cal patients pregnancy-related services and services for the treatment of other conditions that might complicate the pregnancy such as: exams; cleanings; gum treatments; emergency dental services for the relief of pain, infection or trauma such as tooth removal.

Dental Providers currently accepting Medi-Cal Perinatal patients in Alameda County (as of May 2018)

Prenatal Dental Referral Prescription Form

Alameda County provides a Prenatal Dental Referral Prescription form for the prenatal care provider to assist perinatal patients in obtaining dental services.

Family Planning

Residents can find information and resources for reproductive health services in Alameda County by visiting the Family Planning page.

The California Family P.A.C.T. (Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment) Program reimburses comprehensive family planning. For more information, visit the Family P.A.C.T. website.

Well Child Care (Child Health and Disability Prevention Program-CHDP)

The CHDP is a preventive program that delivers periodic health assessments and services to low income children and youth in California. CHDP provides care coordination to assist families with medical appointment scheduling, transportation, and access to diagnostic and treatment services.

For more information on CHDP, visit the following websites at

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