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Below is a selection of new or noteworthy reports produced by the Community Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation (CAPE) Unit, the Division of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention (DCDCP), and other ACPHD programs. Click on Reports By Topic to get a summary list of all our reports.

What’s New

Cover of Homeless Mortality Report 2018-2020

Alameda County Homeless Mortality Report, 2018-2020
Published March 2022

The Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless (ACHCH) and Community Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation (CAPE) teams have released the county’s first-ever homeless mortality report, a retrospective report on homeless deaths from 2018 to 2020 in Alameda County.

The report seeks to accurately enumerate deaths among people experiencing homelessness to inform policies and practices to reduce preventable deaths, and to reduce the harm that preventable deaths create for families, friends, caregivers, and the community. This review will help our health and housing partners develop interventions to reduce deaths among those experiencing homelessness.

Cover of TB Fact Sheet 2021

Tuberculosis in Alameda County, 2021
Published March 2022

This Fact Sheet is produced by the Tuberculosis Control Section. It summarizes data on new TB diagnoses in 2021. This report presents data by selected demographic characteristics, birthplace, trends and the geographic distribution of TB in Alameda County and includes tables displaying detailed findings stratified analysis by sex, age, and race/ethnicity.

HIV in Alameda County, 2018-20

HIV in Alameda County, 2018-2020
Published December 2021

This report is produced by the HIV Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit. It summarizes data on new HIV diagnoses, people living with HIV, the continuum of HIV care, HIV among key populations, and social determinants of health and HIV in Alameda County from 2018-2020. This report presents data by selected demographic characteristics, trends, and the geographic distribution of HIV in Alameda County and includes tables displaying detailed findings stratified analysis by sex, age, and race/ethnicity. The appendices provide a description of local HIV surveillance methods.

HIV in Alameda County, 2018-20

Executive Summary - HIV in Alameda County, 2018-2020
Published December 2021

This summary highlights select results contained in the report titled “HIV in Alameda County, 2018-2020”. It lists key findings in each chapter of this report. Further detail and additional information can be found in the full report.

Opioid Story Map

Opioid Story Map
Published October 2017; updated November 2021

Across the nation, we have witnessed the increased use of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs; more than two million Americans have abused or become dependent on pain medications. The Community Assessment, Planning, and Evaluation (CAPE) unit of the Alameda County Public Health Department has prepared a story map focusing on trends in prescribing practices and opioid outcomes—emergency department visits, hospitalization, and mortality—among residents of Alameda County. The maps and graphics contained here provide an emphasis on the populations most affected by opioid use disorders and poisonings.

HIV in Alameda County, 2017-19

Executive Summary - HIV in Alameda County, 2017-2019
Published December 2020

This summary highlights select results contained in the report titled "HIV in Alameda County, 2017-2019". It lists key findings in each chapter of this report. Further detail and additional information can be found in the full report.

MPCAH Indicators May 2019

Alameda County Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Health Indicators Table
Published May 2019

This table contains the most recent data on maternal, infant, and young child health indicators by race/ethnicity in Alameda County.

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