
January 08, 2022


Outpatient Therapies for the Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19 in High-Risk Patients

The purpose of this Health Advisory is to inform clinicians in Alameda County about the availability of outpatient therapies for high-risk patients with 1) mild to moderate COVID-19 illness who are not yet hospitalized; or 2) ongoing risk of exposure to COVID-19. When resources are limited, therapy should be prioritized for patients who are at the highest risk of progressing to severe COVID-19, as described in the NIH Panel’s interim statement. 

Please see the full health advisory full details and visit our website at

For questions regarding the distribution of COVID-19 outpatient therapeutic products within ALCO, please contact Cynthia Frankel, RN, Alameda County Therapeutics Distribution Lead at

For clinical questions about COVID-19 therapeutics, please contact Arnie Spanjers, MD, Alameda County Public Health Department at

April 28, 2021


Revised Reporting Requirements for Suspect Variant SARS-CoV-2 Infections

The purpose of this Health Advisory is to inform clinicians in Alameda County about the changes in reporting for Variants of Concern, including:

(1) Definition of Vaccine Breakthrough Cases of Interest (VBCIs) and (2) Deletion of specific quarantine requirements for close contacts of persons with VOC infections.

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