For Clinicians

For Clinicians

Measles Situation Update


Alameda County:

  • A case of measles was confirmed in a Berkeley resident the week of 5/13/19. The City of Berkeley Public Health Department issued a public notification, and led the public health response while coordinating closely with the Alameda County Public Health Department.
  • No other significant public exposures to measles have been identified within Alameda County.
  • ACPHD continues to work with the health care community to be alert for new cases in the county and is prepared to quickly respond to any new exposures or cases.
  • Measles Immunization for Adults

California & U.S.:

  • The United States has the highest number of cases in 2019 since measles was eliminated in 2000
  • For more information, including guidance updates and California case counts, visit the CDPH measles website

Resources for Healthcare Providers

Infection Control

Patients with suspected measles should be placed in an Airborne Infection Isolation Room immediately, if possible. Healthcare workers who enter the room of a suspected measles patient should have documented immunity (2 doses MMR or laboratory evidence of immunity by measles IgG) and should use a N95 respirator or higher level of protection. Never send a patient with suspected measles to an outside laboratory for testing; consult and coordinate with Alameda County Public Health Department. If higher level of care is necessary, mask the patient and notify receiving location of the patient’s suspected diagnosis. Note the times and locations where the patient was present, and obtain the names of all staff, patients, and visitors who were in those locations during the time the suspect measles patient was in the facility and for one hour after the patient left.

Report Suspected Cases and Coordinate Training

Suspected measles cases should be reported to ACPHD by phone as soon as possible, and while the patient is still present if possible. M-F 8:30AM-5PM: (510) 267-3250; after-hours: (925)422-7595.

The Alameda County Public Health Laboratory will perform measles PCR testing on respiratory swabs and urine with approval from the ACPHD Acute Communicable Disease Unit (contact info above).

Do not use commercial laboratories for suspect measles cases.

MMR Vaccination

MMR Vaccination for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare personnel should have documented evidence of immunity against measles, according to the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Health care providers who are exposed to a measles case may not go to work until they provide ACPHD with written documentation that they have received at least two doses of MMR or a serologic test showing measles immunity.

MMR Vaccine Storage and Handling

Immunization Referral Sites for Uninsured or Underinsured Patients

Many local clinics, pharmacies, or sites found on this vaccine locator website offer MMR vaccine for a fee. The patient should call before going to any of these sites for age limitations, availability, and cost

Other Resources for Clinician Education and Training

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