Life Care Planning

Life Care Planning

Care Partners believes in empowering older adults to document their health care wishes to ensure their medical teams and medical decision makers can honor their wishes during a medical emergency in which they cannot speak for themselves.

Care Partners offers culturally relevant education to support communities that need Advance Care Planning resources, conducting Advance Health Care Directive and Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment document trainings to engage Alameda County residents at all levels of health. If you are interested in an Advance Care Planning group workshop, please feel free to contact us.

Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD)

Thumbnail of California Advance Healh Care Directive form

The AHCD Form is a legal tool to document your medical wishes and assign your medical decision makers for situations where you cannot make decisions for yourself.

  • It's free to complete
  • Does not expire
  • Does not require an attorney
  • Can be updated at any time
  • Is suitable for anyone at or above the age of 18 with mental capacity to complete the form
  • It requires one notary or two witnesses to sign this form with you for it to be legally valid.
  • Care Partners can help you fill it out!

Download AHCD form:

English | Other languages: Arabic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | Khmer | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese

* Language specific forms are available on the PREPARE for Your Care website.


Physician Orders of Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST)

Thumbnail of Phyiscan Order of Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) formA POLST form is a medical order that informs emergency healthcare professionals what to do during a medical crisis.

  POLST Advance Health Care Directive
Type of document Medical Order Legal Document

How long is the form?

1 Page Multiple pages

Who completes

Healthcare Professional (Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, etc.) with patient Individual
When to complete Anytime Anytime
Who is recommended to have Seriously ill or frail (any age) All cognitively competent adults
Appoints medical decision maker? No Yes
What is communicated Specific medical orders for treatment wishes during a medical emergency General wishes about future medical treatments
Does Emergeny Medical Services personnel have easy access Yes No
Where to locate Refrigerator door or back of front door The person, their health care providers and their decision makers

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