Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing
To protect residents from the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure, Alameda County will prohibit smoking in multi-unit housing as of July 1, 2022. The law applies to multi-unit housing located in the Urban Growth Boundary of the Unincorporated Area of the County, including Ashland, Cherryland, Fairview, Castro Valley, Hayward Acres, and San Lorenzo.
Multi-unit housing means a lot with two or more units, including apartments, townhomes, condominium complexes, senior and assisted living facilities, long-term health care facilities, hotels and motels. As of July 1, 2022, no one is allowed to smoke:
- Inside their unit;
- On any balcony, porch, deck or patio;
- In any indoor or outdoor common area, such as halls, pathways, lobbies, stairwells, mail areas/rooms, community rooms, playgrounds, pools, laundry rooms, and parking lots;
- On neighboring property, within 25 feet from any doorway, window, opening or vent into a multi-unit residence (except for lots with single-family homes).
The smoke-free law does not apply to a single-family home with an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit and mobile homes in a mobile home park.
"Smoking" includes cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, hookah, electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, and cannabis/marijuana.
Below are some resources about smokefree housing. Check this website for details of upcoming educational meetings. No-smoking signs will be available for download from the County.
If you have any questions about the smoke-free requirements, or would like to schedule a presentation about the law for residents or property owners, please contact the Alameda County Tobacco Control Program at or 510-208-5920.

Smoke-free Multi-unit Housing FAQs
For Landlord and Property Managers

Smoke-free Multi-unit Housing FAQs
For Tenants
English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese

To make a Smoking Complaint
English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese
Quit Smoking
See if the Law Applies Where You Live
Smoke-free Law Ordinance O-2022-5
Download a printable copy of Ordinance O-2022-5.
Free No Smoking Signs
Order Laminated or Metal Signs
Download PDFs of Signs
(Multiple languages available)